Welcome to the world, DCG Insider!

Digital Currency Group
DCG Insights
Published in
2 min readJun 15, 2020


Sometime in late 2019, our newsletter subscribers stopped hearing from us. Our analytics suggested most of them probably didn’t notice. If weak engagement is the symptom of a newsletter in decline, the leading causes are tedious content, poor execution, and misunderstood audiences. Our diagnosis was that we lost touch with why we were writing in the first place.

After a cooling off period, we turned a new page, with one question to answer, “what do our subscribers want to hear from us?”

Here’s what we’ve come up with:

We’ll talk about what we know. As the most active investor in the crypto industry, with more than 160 portfolio companies, we’ll relay active views and observations. We’ll share details on projects and companies we’re excited about, unpack data and trends across our portfolio, discuss challenges our companies face, unveil our new undertakings, and reflect on the industry developments causing waves at DCG HQ. If we leave our strike zone, or regurgitate something you’re getting elsewhere, we’ve missed the mark. Kindly unsubscribe and we’ll take the hint.

We’re not a crypto news digest: Our last newsletter packed in links to external content. We know your time is limited, so we’re returning to basics: we’ll write a note and include a couple noteworthy charts. If you’re after an industry news round-up, subscribe to CoinDesk’s newsletters.

With our previous “Insights” newsletter, we learned the importance of understanding our readers and our place in their inbox. With a renewed commitment to sticking to what we’re doing and seeing, and adding content as you ask for it, we’re excited to announce the launch of DCG Insider.

Want our latest thinking in your inbox? Sign up here.



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